Designing a survey
By creating this survey, I aim to collect others' true perceptions and opinions on the disorder, Pure O. I would like to find out what percentage of people is ill-informed. As well as that, I would like to find out how many people have experienced, or experience intrusive thoughts and the level of distress it causes them.
- What do you associate with OCD? (open answer)
For this question, I aim to find out what people's understanding of the term 'OCD' is. I left the question open, so people can elaborate on their answers as much as they please.
- Have you ever heard of the term 'Pure O'. If yes, please state your understanding of it. (open answer)
This one's intention is to find out how many people know of the term 'Pure O'. Again, the question is open, enabling the participants to elaborate on their answers.
- Do you struggle with a mental health condition? (yes/no)
This is a simple yes or no question, to determine the percentage of participants who do struggle with a mental health condition, as well as the percentage who do not.
-If a loved one opened up to you about/ was diagnosed with a mental health condition, would you be willing to support them? (yes/no)
For this question, my intention was to find out what percentage of people would be willing to support a loved one who opened up/ was diagnosed with a mental health condition, and what percentage would not.
-Do you believe that 'everyone is a little bit OCD'? (yes/no)
A common misconception of the disorder, is that 'everyone is a little bit OCD'. This is false. OCD is not a noun, nor is it an adjective. It is a disorder, and this phrase is very harmful to individuals who have OCD, as it makes the disorder into a joke. One cannot be 'a little bit Obsessive Compulsive Disorder', just like you cannot be 'a little bit diabetes'. OCD, just like any other illness, is serious and should not be made into a joke.
This question's aim is to find out how many participants believe in this common misconception/ stigma. It is a simple yes or no question.
-Have you ever experienced having an intrusive (unwanted) thought? (yes/no/not sure)
This is another multiple choice question, this time, the possible answers are, 'yes', 'no' and 'not sure'. The intent of this question is to find out the percentage of participants who have had intrusive thoughts in the past.
-If you selected yes for the last question, state how much anxiety and distress it caused you. If you answered no, ignore this question. (a lot/ a little/ none)
As a follow up question, this one investigates the level of distress caused by having the intrusive thought (if applicable). The question does not apply to participants who have answered 'no' to the previous question. The possible answers for the question are, 'a lot', 'a little' and 'none'.
-Do you ever experience unwanted thoughts of violent, sexual or blasphemous nature? (yes/no)
Lastly, a more specific question, exploring how many participants have experienced/ experience the more taboo themes of intrusive thoughts, like violence, sex, or blasphemy. This is also a simple yes or no question.
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