Survey results - Pure O survey responses

Question 1: What do you associate with OCD?

"fear of loosing control of yourself, impulses"

"constantly tidying up and checking things over and over again"

"intrusive thoughts and consistent compulsions to perform certain actions"

"intrusive thoughts, ruminating, fixation, addiction to routine"

"a disorder that causes one to become strongly fixated on certain things, whether they be habits or emotions, with fulfilment often being the only release"

"Not being able to stop thoughts from coming back over and over into your mind. The habit of not being able to let go of something and it repeatedly worrying you"

"spiral, loop, dark, tangled thoughts, fearful and scary/ urgent thoughts"

"intrusive, obsessive thoughts"


"obsessive behaviour like cleaning"

"irrational fears, overthinking, washing away the negatives, - protecting yourself"


"extreme tidiness, repeatedly doing something"

"intrusive thoughts, obsessive behaviour etc"

"obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions."

"obsessive compulsive disorder - impulse thinking - routine and repetition"

"I never used to understand OCD but I'd like to think I'm a bit more aware about certain thoughts/ feelings linked to "obsessions" and "compulsions"

"intrusive thoughts"

"obsessive thoughts"

"mental illness"

Question 2: Have you ever heard of the term 'Pure O'. If yes please state your understanding of it.


"no I have never heard of it"

"Yes, to my understanding it's the occurrence of intrusive thoughts of a violent, sexual, or otherwise harmful nature"

"I have, but don't recall it's definition. I would assume it's to do with fixation as it is a pure obsession"


"Ocd that has mental compulsions instead of external ones"


"I have not"


"No but assume it's a form of ocd"


"Never heard of it"

"I believe it mainly consists of the intrusive thoughts and the obsessive characteristic of ocd"

"Yes. OCD without physical compulsive actions I think"




"I've heard of it but I don't know the meaning of it"

"Yes, I suffer with it"

"Yes - I know of a person who suffers from it, who explained it to me, and I then researched. A specific type of OCD"

Question 3: Do you struggle with a mental health condition?

"Yes" - 51%

"No" - 49%

Question 4: If a loved one opened up to you/ was diagnosed with a mental health condition, would you be willing to support them?

"Yes" - 100%

"No" - 0%

Question 5: Do you believe that 'everyone is a little bit OCD'?

"Yes" - 32%

"No" - 68%

Question 6: Have you ever experienced having an intrusive (unwanted) thought?

"Yes" - 95%

"No" - 0%

"Not sure" - 5%

Question 7: If you selected yes for the last question, state how much anxiety it caused you. If you answered no, ignore this question.

"A lot" - 57%

"A little" -  30%

"None" - 13%

Question 8: Do you ever experience unwanted thoughts of violent, sexual or blasphemous nature?

"Yes" - 62%

"No" - 38%
