Survey results - 'A moment in time' survey responses

 Question 1: Are you aware of the term 'mindfulness'?

"Never heard of it" - 6%

"I've came across it once or twice" - 47%

"Yes!" - 47%

Question 2: Explain your understanding of being 'mindful'.

"Being aware of your feelings and emotions."

"Like being calm and aware"

"Being aware of things around you physically and emotionally and coming to a realisation about something."

"Being careful and thinking things through before actions"

"Being aware and accepting of other things and people around you"

"Dedicating time to reflecting on thoughts"

"Being aware of things like other people"

Question 3: Would you be interested to find out more about mindfulness/ meditation?

"Yes" - 71%

"No" - 29%

Question 4: Do you feel like you could be more present and aware of yourself, others and your surroundings in your day-to-day life?

"Yes definitely" - 65%

"A bit" - 35%

"No, I am already very present and aware" - 0%

Question 5: How would you describe your lifestyle?

"Very busy - I rarely have time for myself" - 35%

"Balanced - I work and also take time for myself" - 47%

"Not busy - I have all the time in the world to take care of myself" - 18%

Question 6: Do you think there is a correlation between mindfulness/ meditation and good mental and physical health? If so, please explain.

yes i think it is very beneficial to health

think the correlation between the two comes down to motivation, as taking time for oneself can be a way of motivating yourself to do something, having a clear head can mean decision making and thoughts become a lot more clear and easy to understand."

I’m not really sure what mindfulness is, but if it’s anything similar to meditation, I would say yes. Although I do not practice it myself, I know people who do meditate (whether it be spiritually in their faith or re-centering themselves) and I see the benefits they reap mentally. They also react to and handle stressful situations much better and it seems like they build up a better appreciation for their own body and mind"

Yes, I believe when you have the time to yourself and work on yourself to become a better and calmer person this can improve your physical and mental health as you start to understand yourself and your surrounding more."


Maybe. Being aware of how your feeling and why can make it easier to fix what's bothering you. If you choose not to do anything, then being mindful probably wont be very helpful."


Probably. Mental and physical health are very strongly linked, so if meditation helps mental health it could either directly or indirectly improve your physical health."

Most likely, but I would find it a chore to be mindful

Question 7: Do you practice mindfulness/ meditation?

"Yes" - 12%
"No" 88%

Question 8: If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, state what impact mindfulness and meditation techniques have had on you (eg. better mood, improved sleep, improved appetite, decreased stress/ anxiety/ depression). If you answered 'no', ignore this question.


"Decreased stress and anxiety"

It helps make me feel a little more 'present' rather than disconnected

Question 9: Do you feel like you lack the time, or knowledge of mindfulness/ meditation needed to practice it?

"Yes" - 76%
"No" -24%

Question 10: If you had the time/ knowledge needed to practice mindfulness/ meditation, would you practice it?

"Yes" - 41%
"No" - 12%
"Not sure" - 47%
